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AGAFONOW Alejandro

Social enterprise, social innovation, microfinance, business ethics :


Political and Social Economy


ESSCA School of Management
CeRESS (Centre d’Expertise et de Recherche en Économie Sociale et Solidaire)


Assistant Professor of Social Economics

Activités de recherche liées à l’ESS

Since “social benefit” is a too fuzzy a concept to serve as an effective measure of social enterprises’ managerial performance, my research seeks to articulate a solution that aims to provide a feasible operational yardstick of success. In my view, the solution lies in the cost structure of social enterprises. It is worth mentioning in passing that I’m trying to justify social enterprises’ operation in relation to the ideal of “social maximization of benefit,” which promises an end to the practice of pricing goods according to lower than socially optimum standards, an idea that nowadays is missing from mainstream economics.


Latin America

Sélection de publications

1) Agafonow A., “The Austrian Dehomogenization Debate, or the Possibility of a Hayekian Planner,” Review of Political Economy, Vol. 24, No. 02, 2012.
2) “Deliberative Safeguards and Global Governance: A Market Based Approach to Address Garrett W. Brown’s ‘Deliberative Deficit’ within the Global Fund,” Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, Vol. 58, Nº 128, 2011.
3) “On Cuba’s Budgetary Finance System. A Critique of Helen Yaffe’s Account,” International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, Vol. 5, Nº 1, 2011.
4) “Human Security and Liberal Peace. Some Rawlsian Considerations,” Public Reason, Vol. 2, Nº 1, 2010.
5) “Venezuelan Economic Laboratory. The Case of the Altruistic Economy of Felipe Pérez Martí,” Working Paper Nº 09.11, Department of Applied Economics, the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
6) “Los Límites de la Eficiencia Económica en una Sociedad Democrática,” Revista de Economía Institucional, Vol. 9, N° 16, 2007.

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Activités d’enseignement liées à l’ESS

Social Enterprise. Microfinance. Business Ethics.

agafonow_alejandro.1353405825.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2012/11/20 11:03 de sandrine.rospabe@univ-rennes1.fr